
Sunday, October 24, 2010

subject return to the sketch group...

After many months, last night on Thursday the 21st, I returned to the coffee house sketch group. In last six months  I was taking night classes at Los Angeles School of Figurative Arts and The Animation Guild. I often avoided The Thursday nights and would go straight home. But when I came to crossroad that would take me home to a quiet apartment where I'd end up just playing videogames and early night sleep, I decided turn the other direction and visit the talented and inspiring artist I have deprived myself of for so long.

Ironically I also had a very intellectual discussion about psychology of Jealousy with a fellow artist. With my level intelligence, the intellectual was more on her side to be honest. I enjoyed her perspective on the subject and was refreshed by our discussion.

In general It just felt good to surround myself by people that truly get where I'm coming from and where I want to go. Because they may have been there or are still on the same path. I am starting to ramble on, but since I don't really post much, I'll wrap it up. I definitely will be continuing this tradition I have lost somehow along the way.

~Frank Dellafemina

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